Sunday 10 April 2011

Fly Tiers at the Fair

Quite a few fly tiers have confirmed attendance at the fair - some pen pictures follow and we will put up more in the next few days! Skuli Kristinsson Works as a guide in the crystal clear rivers of Iceland. His fly box contains rows and rows of perfectly tied patterns. Skuli’s favourite pattern is the Francis which is one of Iceland’s most successful patterns. The francis is a fly that has been making appearance on Irish waters of late and has been making a bit of a name for itself. Stack Scoville His experience in fly tying began in college in the 1970’s. He began tying in order to have the necessary flies to fish during summer vacations in the Rocky Mountain West of the United States. Having limited access to fly shops on the western slopes of the Rockies, and very limited funds, tying my fishing flies seemed like a practical venture. One day, while visiting one of his local fly shops, he saw Poul Jorgensen’s book on tying salmon flies. Being a rather avid “bibliophile”, he purchased the book. That was the true birth of a genuine passion. Peter Dunne From Durrow, County Laois, Peter is a 7 times world champion fly dresser and he has made the easy peasy Klinkhammer his forte. He has written for Trout and Salmon, Irish Angler and Fly-fishing and Fly-Tying magazines. Peter will be tying river and lake patterns for 2 days. Chris Reeves From Cheshire, Chris will be tying mostly tube flies for Salmon. He is an accomplished Salmon Angler. This is his second visit to the Loughs Agency Show. Chris Helm Chris was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. Chris has been fly fishing for over 35 years and tying flies for more than 30 years. A Christmas gift of a fly tying kit from his wife got him started with what turned out to be a real passion. Chris is a hair specialist and will have his famous “Mice” with him.


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